
Shazam for industrial equipment:

the best enterprise app for
sound analytics

Did you know that:

The large plants lose 323 production hours a year or 27 hours a month to machine failure - that’s more than a day’s production. The average cost of unplanned downtime in lost revenue, financial penalties, idle staff time, and restarting lines is $532K according to senseye.

Value proposition

Problem: Industrial equipment breaks.


  • Di-agnostics is a service for industrial equipment failure prediction and anomaly detection;
  • It uses Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to predict failures before they happen;
  • The current focus is on sound analytics of heat engines and electrical motors.

SaaS for prediction of electrical motors failures to help enterprises reduce their cost in repair and maintenance with Industrial AI service

How Di-agnostics works

in Production

Record the sound of how the equipment works and transmit data via the special mobile application.
Process it in the cloud infrastructure for data computing, analytics, and data science.
Use a large dataset of the different sounds of industrial equipment. It was built a comprehensive data pipeline to easily train, schedule retrain, and use specific models for selected users.
Receive motor status in seconds and analyze spectrogram via UI for administrators and data analysts.

Di-agnostics advantages

No needs to buy additional vibro- or noise- sensor for each electrical engine. Data is the sound of the equipment, the way to capture the data is through mobile phone and application.
The user stays on the field and sends data for analytics to the cloud. No needs to move to fixed working place.
Knowledge transfer problem is solved: no needs to teach new engineer how to hear if the equipment works in normal or prefailure mode.
a-Gnostics already has production implementation of Electricity Consumption Forecasts service for large Ukrainian agroindustrial holding MHP, 30+ daily users. Di-agnostics uses existing infrastructure, machine learning models, AI and ML, and data pipelines.

More than 1,500,000 forecasts are in the system

Case studies

Feed Mills and Grain Elevators

compound feed manufacturing
Number of employees:
Enterprise is piloting Di-agnostics at the engines 250 and 355 kW that are used for feed production
# of engines in pilot:
Engine manufacturer:
Current accuracy:
# of engines in the factory:

Poultry Factories

poultry farm
Number of employees:
Factories are piloting Di-agnostics inside the poultry houses to check the engines status on real time
# of engines in pilot:
18 and 18
Engine manufacturer:
Current accuracy:
# of engines in the factory:


In 2022 Di-agnostics is piloting at:
  1. compound feed manufacturers and grain elevators;
  2. poultry farms;
  3. biogas stations.

In the United States and Canada pre-piloting:
  1. oil & gas industry, specifically for electrical engines at rod pumps, and other equipment;
  2. the next focus is on internal combustion engines for trucking industry.

During the tests accuracy of the models – 93% and above in specific cases

Initial focus on global compound feed industry. 28,414 feed mills are in the world; 6,232 in the USA; 6,948 in Europe.

There are 8,800 grain elevators in the USA; 28,000 in the world.

Additional industries where sound analytics for electrical motors might be applied:

  • agritech;
  • oil and gas industry;
  • energy, electricity generation;
  • smart cities;
  • metallurgy.

About us

a-Gnostics is Industry 4.0 subsidiary of custom software development outsourcing company, SoftElegance, that was founded in Troy, NY in 1993, and specialized in providing reliable services for implementation of SaaS systems, sophisticated business solutions, engineering applications, and business processes automation software for the U.S. and the E.U. companies, ranging from dynamic small and medium to Fortune 500.

In October 2016, we've conducted the presentation 'Spark — Universal Computation Engine for Processing Oil Industry Data' at Spark Summit Brussels. The next day after the presentation we've decided that October 28 will be a-Gnostics Birthday.

Di-agnostics is the product of a-Gnostics, it is Industrial AI sound analytics SaaS for prediction of failures in heat engines and electrical motors, to help enterprises simplify their work and reduce maintenance costs. We are working on it since 2022.

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